Prinsburg, MN 56281

In the southwest corner of Kandiyohi County on Highway 7 is the town of Prinsburg. A town that has established itself as a close-knit community where faith and family are very important. These two Prinsburg values will be evident upon entering the town. With a population just over 500 people, Prinsburg manages to have two, large Christian Reformed churches and a newly-renovated, private school. The religious dedication and spirit of Prinsburg residents carries out into the community. You’ll find cosmetically neat housing and yards, as well as an overall safe and peaceful neighborhood ideal for raising a family.
Prinsburg hosts an Annual 4th of July Celebration which features a worship service, dinner, silent auction, kids carnival, trapshooting, tractor pulls, parade and fireworks.
The city of Prinsburg, Minnesota, is home to 520 residents. Prinsburg is a part of Independent School District No. 2180, otherwise known as MACCRAY (Maynard, Clara City, Raymond) Public Schools – Home of the Wolverines! Another option is for students to attend Central Minnesota Christian School, a newly-renovated private school for Kindergarten through 12th graders, located right in Prinsburg.