Pete’s Surplus
2630 Highway 9 NE
New London, MN 56273 -
Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day) 7am - 8pm daily; Off-season Hours Monday 7am - 6pm, Tuesday - Saturday 7am - 8pm, Sunday 8am - 6pm

Pete’s Surplus is located at MN State HWY 9 and US HWY 71,
4 miles west of New London, MN or 15 miles north of
Willmar, MN.
Pete’s Surplus originally started in 1959 as a gas and service business. We still offer gas, diesel, and L.P services. We also carry military surplus items & supplies, hunting supplies & clothing, Carhartt clothing, hunting and work boots, groceries, bait, tackle and sporting goods.
We take pride in our quality products and our personal
service we offer you – our customers.