Paisley Threads
Visit us online
Email: paisleythreadsllc@gmail.com
320-347-1111 -
14 Main St South
New London, MN 56273 -
Mon-Wed: 9:30am-5:30pm, Thu: 9:30am-7:00pm, Fri: 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 9:30am-4:30pm
Paisley Threads is a love for quilting, knitting, crafts, and the care of women presented in unique retreats, presentations, and gifts.
Besides quilting materials, yarn and wool, you’ll also find coffee, Swig mugs, snacks, and other crafting supplies!
Hello, welcome to Paisley Threads of New London, Minnesota! I’m Pastor Linda, the creator of Paisley Threads. I am passionate about caring for people and giving them experiences in which they feel special. I very much enjoy quilting, knitting, reading, and doing and trying other crafts, as well, I enjoy planning and hosting retreats. I combine these loves to host quilting, knitting, and women’s retreats. I am an ordained Lutheran pastor, and I am passionate about bringing God’s love into the retreats. I am married, a mother, and a grandmother and have had many life experiences that have brought both joy and sorrow.
In God’s Peace,
Pastor Linda