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  • Tea at the Sperry House

    Visit us online

  • Location:

    Sperry House
    228 Porto Rico St
    Willmar, MN 56201

  • Dates:

    Sep 23, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

  • Admission:

Tea at the Sperry House
Friday, Sept. 23rd at 11am or 1pm

Come and enjoy delicious tea and treats!
Cost is $20 with proceeds to benefit the Sperry House.
Only 16 people will be served for each of the two teas, so reservations will fill quickly!

Stop at the KCHS Museum to register or call 320-235-1881.
Make reservations online by clicking here.

Contact: Jill Wohnoutka, KCHS, 320-235-1881, kandhist@msn.com