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Come hear about this great local company!

When: Friday, Dec. 8
Time: 1-3p
Where: Willmar Community Center

PrimeWest Health is a unique and innovative health plan option for residents in our service area counties who are eligible to enroll in Minnesota’s Families and Children, MinnesotaCare, Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO), Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+), or Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC) programs. PrimeWest Health solely exists to help our members achieve healthier, fuller lives by cost-effectively improving their health care experience and advancing health equity. Our innovation stems from our local ownership structure that drives our neighbor-caring-for-neighbor culture and approach to serving our members. Because we are owned by the counties we serve, PrimeWest is organizationally integrated with county Public Health and Human Services agencies—agencies that play key roles in addressing our members’ social determinants of health (SDOH), behavioral health, and community health needs. PrimeWest Health’s innovation also extends to our customer service practices and our efforts to improve local health care infrastructure to benefit our members. Most importantly, PrimeWest Health has long been known for putting our members first.