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  • Open Mic Night

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  • Location:

    Little Theatre Auditorium
    24 Central Av NE
    New London, MN 56273

  • Dates:

    Oct 11 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Join us for Open Mic Night on Friday, October 11th at 7:00 PM! 🎤

This month’s featured event includes a book tour stop promoting Heartland, Heartwork: A Field Guide to Place and Possibility for Rural Leaders!
This book is developed by Springboard for the Arts and includes readings from our own Bethany Lacktorin along with other contributors!

Musicians, wordsmiths, and performers: We’d love for you to perform at this month’s Open Mic Night!
If you or your band would like to perform a set, you are a comedian looking to debut some new material, or a writer wanting to read some prose, feel free to contact us to get on the schedule!
To perform, send an e-mail with your setup to Kyle Novak at livemusic@littletheatreauditorium.org.
Walk-ins are welcome, but an e-mail makes sure you automatically have a slot.