neXt Educational – Discover Your Genius
Visit us online
Email: chamber@willmarareachamber.com
320-235-0300 -
MinnWest Technology Campus – Sibley Auditorium
1700 Technology Dr NE, Ste 101
Willmar, MN 56201 -
Oct 14, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Do you feel fulfilled? Are you making a difference?
The most successful people have two things in common:
- Self-awareness – they are crystal clear on their talents
- Authenticity – they spend most of their time in these areas of talent
The first step is knowing yourself and what you want. Join us for a neXt educational to Discover Your Genius!
Email jtanner@willmarareachamber.com to register. A link will be emailed to complete the assessment.
This event is complimentary for neXt members and $40 for non-members. Click here to join neXt.
*As an affiliate of the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, neXt is a local organization formed to attract and retain young talent in the community, while developing the next generation of leaders. Focused on young adults, we use fun social activities and structured educational opportunities to help you grow your network, learn new skills, and develop as a leader. Whether you are looking to grow personally or professionally, odds are we have an upcoming event that will help you do just that. Follow the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce on social media to stay in the loop. Yearly membership for neXt is $95 for employees of Chamber members and $150 for non-members.