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  • Momma’s Day Out

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  • Location:

    Stacy’s Nursery
    2305 E Highway 12
    Willmar, 56201

  • Dates:

    May 7, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm

Momma’s Day Out
Saturday, May 7th from 8:30am-3pm
at Stacy’s Nursery & Floral

Celebrate SPRING + celebrate MOM all in one fabulous, colorful + fun Saturday at Stacy’s!
The Goodness Coffee Truck will be here from 8:30AM to NOON, and we’re buying specialty coffee drinks for ALL of the momma’s that come shop our store + greenhouse!!
We’ll also have complimentary cookies… because why not.

Know a Mom or Mom-figure that deserves a day out??
INVITE HER to sip, stroll + shop all things Spring! (It’ll actually feel like it before we know it!)
Hey, maybe Mother Nature needs a free latte too 😉