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  • Help Paint a Community Mural

    Visit us online

  • Location:

    Woodland Centers
    1125 6th St SE
    Willmar, 56201

  • Dates:

    Sep 14, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Admission:

Help Paint a Community Mural

The public is invited to paint on both, no fancy skills or experience necessary.

Spicer ‘Fish’ Mural:
Public painting August 29-31st from 8-11am (weather permitting)
Bring water and sunglasses! This wall gets warm, but it is worth it!

Woodland Centers ‘Forest Floor’ Mural:
Public painting September 14 from 10am-7pm (weather permitting)
We’ll be under the big white tent! You can work quickly or sit down and stay awhile!