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  • Business Wide Trunk-Or-Treat

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  • Location:

    Lake Ave North
    Lake Ave North
    Spicer, 56288

  • Dates:

    Oct 31, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Business Wide Trunk-Or-Treat
Thursday, Oct. 31st from 4-6pm
Event Address: Lake Ave North between Manitoba & Agnes, and the city parking lot south of Urban Escape

We are happy to announce the Spicer Commercial Club is hosting another business-wide Trunk or Treat!

We know walking all over the neighborhood can be exhausting!
Local businesses will come together to decorate their trunks and hand out a candy to kids of all ages!

Dress your best, and fill your bags within downtown Spicer businesses, along Lake Ave North, between Manitoba and Agnes Streets, and in the city-owned parking lot south of Urban Escape Boutique.

If you are a business and would like to participate, we have plenty of spots open. So if you want to join, or if you know anyone that would like to be included on the fun for free, complete our Google Form (https://forms.gle/kzYw5ptpcKnFsr6VA)
or drop us an email at ExploreSpicer@gmail.com.