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  • Bean Bag Tourney at The Handle Bar

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  • Location:

    The Handle Bar
    308 Atlantic Ave W
    Atwater, MN 56209

  • Dates:

    Feb 15 @ 12:00 pm

  • Admission:

Don’t miss our Winter Bean Bag Tourney here at The Handle Bar!

Join us Saturday, February 15th in The Strong Garage for bloodies, beers, and bags!
Register your team at The Handle Bar anytime from now until the day of.
Registration will close at 11:30a on Saturday (2/15), bags start at Noon!

Then head on inside to The Handle Bar for live music starting at 7:30p as ‘Axel and Betty’ take the stage.

*$30 per team (2 person teams)
*All money goes back into winner’s pot
*Sign up now or the day of the tournament
*Bags will be played inside The Strong Garage