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  • Yoga & Sound Session

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  • Location:

    Jefferson Learning Center
    1234 Kandiyohi Ave SW
    Willmar, 56201

  • Dates:

    May 6, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am

  • Admission:

Yoga & Sound Session
Saturday, May 6th from 9:00-10:15am
at Jefferson Learning Center

You are invited to join in this 75 minute immersion of yoga, relaxation, sound, and meditation.
This is an innovative experience and different from a typical yoga class.
Both John and Nicole are occupational therapists that use their knowledge to provide experiences that are adaptable to all people.

Nicole, also a registered yoga teacher, will guide you through some simple movements and meditation while John provides sounds through the didgeridoo and drum to facilitate your relaxation journey.

All poses can be done in a chair; you do not need to be able to get to the floor to participate. Also, poses can have added challenges for those that do have previous yoga practice.
All abilities are welcome, no prior experience is needed. Minimum age is 13.
Poses and positions are highly adjustable to allow all bodies to engage.
Please bring along any supplies you may want for comfort such as a mat, blanket, and pillows.

Sign up here https://willmar.ce.eleyo.com/…/2023…/yoga-sound-session