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🌴Winter Warm Up with Disney 🌴

Join Spotlight Theatre Workshop and Nikki Bettcher Erickson for a little mid winter fun! We will work on our performance skills, dance, sing, act & put together a show for family and friends! We will warm up for winter with the songs of Moana & The Jungle Book!

FEBRUARY – Tuesdays – 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
(Final presentation/show 7:30pm on the 27th)

Grades: 1st-5th
Cost: $25.00
Scholarships available: email Nikki at nberickson22@gmail.com

To register visit https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/CSbCCmZ0gEs65OouGUHP1?domain=docs.google.com or email Nikki at nberickson22@gmail.com
or call/text 320-262-9170

Payment via Venmo, Paypal or Check