What to Wear Fashion Event
The Bloc Willmar
601 Industrial Dr SW
Willmar, MN 56021 -
Oct 7, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

What to Wear Fashion Event
Thursday, October 7th from 6-8:30pm
at The Bloc
601 Industrial Drive in Willmar
What to Wear Fashion event is full of high-end thrifted fashion sense; a fashion show, treats, exclusives, sales, prizes AND early bird ticket access to our coveted Christmas Store!
- What to Wear style show
- 20% OFF clothing, shoes and accessories (1 time use @ each store-ticket will be punched)
- Light appetizers and beverages
- Fresh new inventory added just for this event
- Prizes
- Exclusive, be the first to shop the Christmas Store on October 9th from 8-10am (keep your ticket to get in at 8:00 am)
- The right of admission is reserved. Tickets cannot be exchanged, refunded or returned after purchase. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
- By entering the ticket areas you give your consent to being photographed or filmed as a member of the audience. This may be used for promotional activity.
- Terms and conditions are prepared with your safety in mind.