Wellness Wins: Exercise and Nutrition, Some of the Best Medicine for Overall Well-Being
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Email: chamber@willmarareachamber.com
320-235-0300 -
, MN -
Mar 11, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Exercise and nutrition, two scary words for some people, but two of the best ways to optimize your well-being. Join Carris Health’s Allison Johnson, RDN, LD and Amber Silva, MS, Wellness Coordinator to learn why you should exercise regularly and eat foods that are good for you. Plus, receive tips on how to maintain or improve these habits if you are currently struggling. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.
Wellness Wins is a virtual series organized to bring resources to business leaders across Kandiyohi County to help them navigate the uncertainty of turbulent and stressful times.
Wellness Wins Goals:
- Education – Experts provide valuable resources for self-care
- Empowerment – Leaders take the knowledge and resources gained from the series back to their organizations to empower employees
- Engagement – From a top-down approach, leaders use the information gained to lead by example and give their employees tools to improve their lives
Wellness Wins is brought to you by Woodland Centers, Carris Health, Project Turnabout, and the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce.