Tommy Swenson Memorial Youth Sporting Clays Shooting Event
Visit us online
Email: prairiewoods@prairiewoodselc.org
320-354-5894 -
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center
12718 10th Street NE
Spicer, MN 56288 -
Jul 29, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tommy Swenson Memorial Youth Sporting Clays Shooting Event
Thursday, July 29th
Times: 6:00-6:45pm, 6:45-7:30pm, 7:30-8:15pm
Cost: $5
Ages: 12-18
Did you know that Prairie Woods ELC has a Sporting Clay Shotgun Range?
The clays come from the left, right, straight at you, from behind you, there is even one that rolls on the ground.
Bring your own (12 or 20ga) shotgun.
Program cost greatly reduced due to contribution from the Tommy Swenson Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament.
(Meet at Westby shooting range).
Max 5 participants per time slot.
Must call to register for a time slot.