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The Elusive Spider
Sibley State Park

Oct. 22, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Oct. 30, 2022 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The don’t have the best reputation, but they are essential to the ecosystem.
We’ll unravel the mysteries of spiders, what species you can find at the park, and the large role they play in the world around us.
As we discover the exciting world of a spider, we will make our very own spider web.

We will be meeting at the Sibley Interpretive Center.

More Information
Contact Savannah Stephenson; Interpretive Naturalist at 320-354-2002 or by email at savannah.stephenson@state.mn.us.

If you need an accommodation, please call or email the event contact listed above by two weeks prior to the event.