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  • Succulent Plant and Sip Event


  • Location:

    Hinterland Vineyards
    3060 120th Ave NE
    Clara City, MN 56222

  • Dates:

    May 12, 2022 @ 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Succulent Plant and Sip Event
Thursday, May 12th from 5:45pm-8:30pm
at Hinterland Vineyard

Brandt Gardens & Greenhouse will be here with succulents, cacti, herbs, vegetables, and annual flower plants for purchase.
They will have made up containers along or you can purchase plants and containers individually to create your own DIY kit.

If you want something special just email them at brandtgardens@gmail.com, and they can bring it along.
Brandt Gardens is also planning to plant containers for customers if they so wish but please remember that social distancing and other safety measures are being followed for everyone’s protection.

Please come and support your local small businesses and have some fun and delicious wines!!!