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  • Soup Flight at the Horseshoe Bar

    Visit us online
    (320) 664-4797

  • Location:

    Horseshoe Bar
    680 Lakeview St
    Lake Lillian, MN 56253

  • Dates:

    Feb 10 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

  • Admission:

Soup Flight at the Horseshoe Bar
Saturday, Feb. 10th from 11am-2pm

Tomato Bisque, Chicken Dumpling and Cheddar Cauliflower with 2 Breadsticks
All for only $10

Also from 12-2pm is Hat Bar & Beers
There are hats for you to choose from and accessories.
You design your style of hat to fit your personality. It is really a fun class, with an amazing lady.
Cost is 60$ and yes you keep what you make. Call to register 320-664-4797