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Solar Powered at Sibley State Park
Sept. 13, 2024 from 1-2pm

Program will be dependent on weather conditions and visibility. Please check back a few days before the program for the most up to date information. Or contact Savannah at savannah.stephenson@state.mn.us.

The Sun is essential for all life on Earth. Drop by the interpreter table to learn a little bit more about our closest star. We’ll be able to get closer look by using a telescope equipped with a solar filter.

Participants are welcome to drop by anytime during the program hour. Activity lasts about 5 minutes.

Interpreter table will be located the Mount Tom Tower.

More Information
Contact Savannah Stephenson; Interpretive Naturalist at 320-354-2002 or by email at savannah.stephenson@state.mn.us.

If you need an accommodation, please call or email the event contact listed above by two weeks prior to the event.