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  • Saving Your Stuff: How to Care for Art, Heirlooms, and Personal Collections

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  • Location:

    Kandiyohi County Historical Society
    610 NE Hwy 71
    Willmar, MN 56201

  • Dates:

    Jun 26 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Saving Your Stuff: How to Care for Art, Heirlooms, and Personal Collections
Wed, June 26 from 6:30-8pm
at the Kandiyohi County Historical Society

Learn about the “ten agents of deterioration” and how to preserve and protect the things you value.
There will be a presentation followed by an open question and answer period. Recommendations for how to find additional resources will be provided at the event.

Presented by Megan Brakob Narvey, Outreach Conservator at the Minnesota Historical Society.

This event is free to the public!