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Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce’s Red Carpet Event
Featuring SongBlast dueling guitars
Friday, November 5th
at the Willmar Conference Center

Prepare to Laugh, Sing & Rock ‘N Roll!

5:30pm Doors Open & Food (see menu on ad)
7:30pm SongBlast Performs

Tickets are $85.00 for food & the show
Contact the Chamber for tickets by calling 320-235-0300 or by emailing chamber@willmarareachamber.com

What is SongBlast? It’s all about great songs, wonderfully performed…and having a BLAST! Pat Balder and Glen Everhart have spent their lives writing, performing, and loving all genres of popular American music. Pat knows every rock ‘n’ roll classic through and through. Glen knows just about every acoustic guitar-based hit ever to grace the airwaves. They combine the fun, always-involve-the-audience aspect of a dueling pianos act with powerful, super-tight vocal and guitar arrangements that will leave you feeling SongBlasted!