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Come compete in our puzzle contests!
Teams of 1-4 compete to finish a 500-piece puzzle in the shortest amount of time.

The puzzle is provided, and participants get to keep the puzzle.
(Different Puzzles for the Jan. & March contest)

This event is limited to 15 teams, so register early!
The event is for ages 12 and above.
Fee: $35 per team

Contest Dates:
Sat., Jan. 20 @ 1-3p
*Reg. deadline by 12/30 or when full*

Sat., March 9 @ 3-5p
* Reg deadline by 2/10 or when full*

Call 262-5288 to register or visit: https://willmarparksandrec.recdesk.com/Community/Program/Detail?programId=641

First place receives a $100 gift card to Grizzlys of Willmar.
Second place will also receive a prize!