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  • New London Story Show

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  • Location:

    New London Little Theatre
    24 Central Avenue East
    New London, MN 56273

  • Dates:

    Sep 18, 2022 @ 3:00 pm

New London Story Show
Sunday, Sept. 18th at 3:00pm
at the Little Theatre Auditorium

Tickets will be available on Eventbrite soon, and will also be available at the door.

The story theme for this show is BOUNDARIES.
Tell a true story around this theme in whatever way it comes to you.
Send your submissions to Heather King at flyleafbookshop@gmail.com

1) Stories should be a length that can be read aloud in 5-7 minutes.
2) Your story does not have to fit the theme perfectly. Tell a story about anything that even slightly fits “boundaries”. Also remember that you WILL NOT HAVE TO MEMORIZE your story and recite it from the stage. This is a show of live readings. (Hilarious, powerful, silly, moving, and often poignant readings.)
3) You DO NOT HAVE TO CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A WRITER OR STORYTELLER to submit your story. Heather will help you as you go!
5) There will be one “rehearsal” before the show. (Date to be decided during the week of September 12-16th)

The show on September 18th at 3pm will be held at Little Theatre Auditorium in downtown New London.
To learn more about the Story Show, please visit the link in the comments. And feel free to contact Heather King at flyeafbookshop@gmail.com