Music Under the Prairie Stars 2024
Visit us online
Email: prairiewoods@prairiewoodselc.org
320-354-5894 -
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center
12718 10th Street NE
Spicer, MN 56288 -
Sep 5, 2024 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Tickets Sold Out – But Your Support Is Still Needed!
We’re thrilled by the incredible response to our upcoming Prairie Stars event and are so grateful to everyone who purchased tickets. The event has SOLD OUT, and while we wish we could accommodate everyone, space is limited.
Even if you can’t join us in person, your support is still invaluable. We invite you to consider making a donation to Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. Your contribution will help us preserve high-quality outdoor experiences for children, nurturing young explorers with a love and respect for the environment. We truly wish we could welcome everyone, but please don’t let the sold-out event stop you from being part of something meaningful. Your generosity is vital to our mission, and we deeply appreciate your support!
Music Under the Prairie Stars
Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 5:30pm
at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center
Please Note Date Change:
This change was made to accommodate Prairie Pothole Day which be held at Prairie Woods ELC for the first time. After joining us Thursday night for our annual fundraiser, come out Saturday, September 7th to support the Prairie Pothole Conservation Association and the 41st Prairie Pothole Day!
Music Under the Prairie Stars is an earth conscious benefit for Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, Music Under the Prairie Stars. Please join us as a guest, a volunteer, or a sponsor for this beautiful evening on the prairie.
Music Under the Prairie Stars will feature a dinner prepared by the Green Mill and pies by My Kitchen. Live music by the Green Lake Bluegrass Band. A silent eco-auction will highlight green items and experiences, such as locally made art pieces, baskets and gift cards from local businesses, food and wine packages by local growers and outdoor experiences. As always, the proceeds from the silent auction will be used to keep costs low for programming.
Every ticket includes a beautiful evening at Prairie Woods – live music, silent auction items, dinner, pie, friends (old and new), drinks to purchase and an amazing cause to support. Proceeds from the fundraiser go towards programming at Prairie Woods. Proceeds from this year’s live auction Fund-a-Need will go towards updating signs, maps, website and other areas with our new trails and logo.