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  • Monday We Paint

    Visit us online

  • Location:

    greenwater garage + gallery
    101 Main St S
    New London, MN 56273

  • Dates:

    Jan 24, 2022 @ 6:00 pm

    |Recurring Event (See all)

    An event every week that begins at 6:00 pm on Monday, repeating until Apr 25, 2022

  • Admission:

On Mondays we learn about materials, tools and mediums while we paint an image of our own design.

Each session will include a review of the materials we’ll use, a color mixing and use demonstration and guidance through making a small-format painting. You are welcome to follow the mixing directions, practice and paint along with the instruction. Attendees are invited to ask questions, share your work and participate fully in the workshop. You can use this series as a starting point or as inspiration for your continued painting practice.

You may join online or in-person (vaccination + booster required). Simply sign up on Eventbrite at the Register button below. The format is in-person with ‘Zoom-in-the-room,’ so you will get to meet friends from other places who join us in our practice.

Each session is $10, open to adults of all skill levels and is designed to encourage and inspire your individual painting practice. Once you attend your first session, you’ll be invited to post your artwork to a private greenwater Facebook community. As you develop your practice in the company of others, you will find support, encouragement, inspiration and friends!

Material List:
-Graphite pencils – 2H, 2B or mechanical pencil
-Black waterproof ink pens [Micron]
-White opaque pens or paint markers of your choice (GellyRoll, Pentel Milky Pop, Sharpie)
Gouache [Winsor-Newton, Holbein] in a set or these individual colors— Titanium White, Mars Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow Ochre
Liquid or light body acrylic paints [Golden, Liquitex] in a set or these individual colors— Titanium White, Mars Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow Ochre
-2-3 flat brushes [sizes 3-12] appropriate for your paint
-2-3 round brushes [sizes 3-12] appropriate for your paint
-Mixed media paper (9×12) OR a tablet of same [Canson, Strathmore]
-Watercolor paper (9×12) OR a tablet of same [Canson, Strathmore]
-Black mixed media paper in any size [Strathmore, Legion Stonehenge]
-White palette and white mixing surface in ceramic or plastic
-1-3 palette/mixing knives
-Container for water
-Cloth rag or paper towels
-Lo-tack masking tape
-Ruler or straight edge
-Smooth painting board, clip board or surface where you can tape down your paper if you are not using a tablet
*Always use the art materials you already own. Bring your supplies along if you plan to attend in person.

Prior to each session, you will receive an email containing inspirational images to spur your imagination for the evening’s project. You can print them out or make them available on another device in order to use them as reference during the practice.

The format of the greenwater garage online workshops is casual, conversational and interactive. If you are joining online, you are encouraged to join with your mic and video on in order to interact with the instructor and the other members of the workshop. This is a great way to try out a new technique!

Dates & Topics Schedule (Mondays at 6pm):
Jan 24 – Building a palette / Classic forms
Jan 31 – Folk Art forms / Birds
Feb 7 – Folk Art forms / Freeform Botanicals
Feb 14 – Folk Art forms / Hearts & Symbols
Feb 21 – Folk Art forms / Circles & Coins
Feb 28 – Folk Art forms / Patterns
Mar 7 – Celebration Format / Insect
Mar 15 – *NO SESSION*
Mar 21 – Celebration Format / Multiples
Mar 28 – Celebration Format / Bird
Apr 4 – Abstract Forms / Landscape
Apr 11 – Abstract Forms / Animal Studies
Apr 18 – Color Theory / Still Life : Cool palette
Apr 25 – Color Theory / Still Life : Warm palette

Email | kristin@greenwatergarage.com

Facebook | https://www.facebook/greenwatergarage/

Instagram | @greenwatergarage

eventbrite | greenwater garage workshops