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  • Fiddle ‘n Christmas

    Email: 3dschroeder@gmail.com

  • Location:

    Hope Lutheran Church
    107 Western Ave N
    Sunburg, MN 56289

  • Dates:

    Dec 7 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

  • Admission:

Sunburg Community Music will present its 3rd annual Fiddle ‘n Christmas program Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 4 pm at Hope Lutheran Church in Sunburg.  The event is free and open to the public.  Coffee and treats will follow the performance.

Sunburg Area Fiddlers will be performing Christmas music accompanied by bass, mandolin and guitar;   the emerging community ukulele group will perform under the direction of Joyce Rudningen; and Dempsey Schroeder and Maggie Harp will again be featured guest artists, performing special selections on fiddle and guitar. Dempsey, a native of Pennock, is a well-known fiddler and composer.   Maggie Harp, director of music at Hope Presbyterian in Spicer and former music teacher at BBE will accompany Dempsey on guitar and piano.

There are currently over 40 people in the Sunburg Community Music Program, ages 3 to 86.  The program is sponsored by the Sunburg Community Center/City of Sunburg.  In addition to fiddle, participants are also learning to play mandolin, upright bass, guitar, keyboard and ukulele.  The goal of the program is to create barrier-free learning and music opportunities to area residents and bring build community.  Lessons are free and instruments are available on loan at no cost.  Instruments are funded by grants and donations.  Lessons are taught by volunteers.  Anyone interested is encouraged to contact Darlene Schroeder at 320 212 2050 or 3dschroeder@gmail.com

This activity is funded in part with a grant from the Southwest Minnesota Arts Council made possible by the voters of Minnesota, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund and a grant from the Willmar Area Community Foundation.