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Come bring your fury friend out for a Halloween themed party at the Community Center!

We will burn off some steam in our obstacle course, test out some easy to make games, and mingling with other pups!
After a good play time, will take a snack break to enjoy a tasty treat, while the humans make a game for pups, & end our outing with a relaxing puppy massage with K9-Oasis!
There will be a costume contest, and other Halloween Themed activities!

Saturday, Oct. 28
Drop in when you can between 12:00-2:00p
Register in advance at 320-262-5288
Cost: $10.00
Willmar Community Center

Call 262-5288 or visit to register: https://willmarparksandrec.recdesk.com/Community/Program/Detail?programId=585

*Pups must remain with owner on leash throughout event*
*Pups must be 6 months of age*
*Must register in advance*

All owners must provide proof of vaccinations, no female does in heat will be allowed. Aggression will not be tolerated. Owners must clean up after their dog and are encouraged to play as well. Water will be available. The City is not responsible for any injuries that could take place within facility.