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  • Culpepper & Merriweather Circus

    Visit us online

  • Location:

    Centennial Park
    6th Street
    Atwater, MN 56209

  • Dates:

    Jul 31, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

    |Recurring Event (See all)

    One event on Jul 31, 2023 at 7:30 pm

  • Admission:
    $8 – $13

The Atwater Lions Club is bringing the circus to town!
Monday, July 31st
Show Times: 5:00pm & 7:30pm
at Centennial Park in Atwater

Circus tickets for sale, cash only
$8 for children
$13 for adults
Tickets available to July 30th

Stop in and buy your tickets at:
πŸŽͺ Atwater Ford
πŸŽͺ Atwater Liquor
πŸŽͺ Farm Bureau Financial Services
πŸŽͺ Paws Floral

Get online tickets now from: https://cm-circus.square.site
Online tickets are available until 10:00 p.m the night before we arrive or until sold out. On circus day, tickets can be purchased at the box office and will be $16 for adults and $9 for children 2-12 and seniors 65 & up. No charge for children under the age of 2. Buy your tickets early and save! A portion of the proceeds will go to support our sponsor — the Atwater Lions Club. Our 90 minute family-friendly show features Big Cats, Tight Rope, Aerialists, Foot Juggling, Horses, Daredevils and so much more! Visit cmcircus.com to see photos and find out more information on this year’s show.