WinterFest Spicer Speed Events
Green Lake Saulsbury Beach County Park
151 Lake Ave S
Spicer, 56288 -
Jan 21, 2023

Speed Run on Green Lake (10 am – 3 pm): 1000ft shaved track, 2500ft shut down with timming system.
Classes: Late Model, Vintage, Junior, Kitty-Cat, 200 and 120s.
Registration is 8:30 am – 10 am.
Racing begins at 10 am.
$40 for 4 runs. Kitty-Cat to Junior/340 fan is $20 for 4 runs.
Free admission to spectators! Appreciation banquet to follow at 4 pm located at the GrandStay Hotel and Conference.
Central MN Pond Racing Ice Ovals Race Series on Green Lake (All day event).
26 Classes of Late-Model and Vintage racing.
Registration and Hot-Laps are 8 am – 10 am.
Racing starts at 11 am in front of Zorbaz.
We will race until dusk, Banquet is at 6 pm at Zorbaz.
Free admission to spectators!
Both events are occurring simultaneously and are within walking distance of each other.
Come out for a thrilling, family-fun day!