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  • Brushes & Brewskies

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  • Location:

    Foxhole Brewhouse
    905 Highway 71 NE
    Willmar, MN 56201

  • Dates:

    Apr 26, 2021 @ 6:30 pm

  • Admission:

Brushes & Brewskies
Monday, April 26th at 6:30pm
at Foxhole Brewhouse

Looking for a fun night out with your friends!? Register for “Brushes and Brewskies” at Foxhole Brewhouse!

Get your creative on and join local artist Eva M. Carlson ( Eva Margaret Art Fan Page ) Eva takes you step-by-step, and drink-by-drink, as you paint the featured painting on a 16×20 canvas.

The cost is $40 and includes the canvas you will take home and a cold Foxhole brew to get your creative juices flowing. Art supplies are provided.
First brush stroke starts at 6:30pm and no previous art experience is necessary. Feel free to come at 6 to get your beer and socialize.

With spacing requirements Space is limited to 16 per night so reserve your spot by purchasing your ticket now.
*Due to limited seating and all the planning that is involved tickets are non-refundable unless you can find someone to take your place and buy your ticket.