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  • Big Kandi Winter Fun Fest

    Visit us online

  • Location:

    Big Kandiyohi Lake County Park East
    9144 123rd Ave SE
    Lake Lillian, MN 56253

  • Dates:

    Feb 27, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Jam the Gym events for the TOMF (Bird Island, Glencoe and Wabasso).
The good news, we are continuing to fundraise to help the children in need. Here’s how you can be part of helping us make a difference.

Join us at Big Kandiyohi Lake County Park East in Lake Lillian for a Winter Funfest on Saturday, February 27th.
The event starts at Noon featuring a giant ice carousel.
Bring your ice skates, lawn chairs and enjoy hotdogs, french fries and s’mores over the bonfire.
Free Will donations will be accepted.

A great family event with food, games, music but most of all outdoor fun!
See the flyer for all the details and share with your friends!

To keep our attendees safe, we encourage masks and social distancing to help prevent the further spread of the virus.

Sponsored by Tim Orth Memorial Foundation
Stay tuned for more information on the how the other event areas will be fundraising within their communities.

Alternate Date is March 6th