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Bethesda’s Sweetest Christmas Soiree

Thursday, Dec. 12 from 10am-3pm
Christmas Market & Bake Sale (while supplies last)
at Bethesda Grand – Willmar

Friday, Dec. 13 at 5:30pm
Formal Soiree
at O’Neil’s Event Center

Join us this December for two sweet days filled with purpose!
Formal invitations and registration details will be sent out in mid-October, so keep an eye on your mailbox!
Not sure if you’re on the list? Reach out to Kristin Rucks, our VP of Development and Marketing, to express your interest and learn more.
Let’s make a difference together!

Proceeds from the Sweetest Christmas Soiree will directly benefit resident life at Bethesda.
Resident life strives to create meaningful connections, enriching experiences, and vibrant communities that make life at Bethesda brighter.

Questions? Please contact Mary Latham at 320-262-5064 or mary.latham@bethesdawillmar.com