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  • KCEO Spring Trade Show

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    Email: johnsonkj@isd345.org

  • Location:

    MinnWest Technology Campus – Sibley Auditorium
    1700 Technology Dr NE, Ste 101
    Willmar, MN 56201

  • Dates:

    May 10 @ 7:30 am - 9:30 am

  • Admission:

The Kandiyohi County CEO class of 2023-2024 is hosting their Spring Trade Show along with the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber Connection on Friday, May 10th from 7:30 – 9:30 am on the MinnWest Technology Campus in the Sibley Auditorium.
Sibley Auditorium is located at 1800 Technology Drive NE in Willmar, MN.

14 students from Willmar Public Schools, New London-Spicer Public Schools, and Atwater-Cosmos – Grove City Public Schools will launch their start-up businesses.
The event is free and open to the public.
A light breakfast and coffee will be served during the event.

There will be student introductions and a short KCEO presentation by board members, Jim Sieben and Bob Mathiasen at 7:50 am.
The event includes Trade Show Bingo and voting for the KCEO Entrepreneur of the Year.